e-Payment for SQ 2022

* Indicate compulsory fields

Today's USD to MYR: 1 USD = RM 4.717499999999999
* Source by Google

Fee rate in Ringgit Malaysia (RM)

Local Presenter:RM 100
International Presenter:RM 200
UniSZA Staff Presenter:RM 50
UniSZA Student Presenter:RM 50
UniSZA Staff Participant:RM 20
UniSZA Student Participant:RM 20
Local Participant:RM 30
International Participant:RM 70


Note: Our credit card payment is using the Malaysian currency (MYR). The fee will be converted to MYR.

Participant/Presenter Category *:
Name *:
Reference ID *:
Email *:
Amount *:
Payment Via Credit Card - MasterCard  Credit Card - VISA